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GLV and GLR Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers


The economical, tried and proven AirLoc GLV and GLR Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers are deployed when dependable vibration and impact sound isolation is required for machines that have suitable fastening holes in the machine foot. The mounting sink for the levelling stud is shaped so that ground unevenness is leveled.

 TypeArt. no.Max. load
D [mm]
L [mm]
B [mm]
H [mm]
Bottom pad 
Type illustrationGLV 50 /B11.10050.5090505020B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 50 /B1
Art. no.1.10050.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]90
Weight [kg]0.13
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]20
Height Hmin [mm] M1030
Height Hmin [mm] M1232.5
Length L [mm]50
Width B [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]18
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 50 /7161.10050.56200505022716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 50 /716
Art. no.1.10050.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]200
Weight [kg]0.13
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1032
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Length L [mm]50
Width B [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]18
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 50 /9151.10050.65200505022915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 50 /915
Art. no.1.10050.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]200
Weight [kg]0.13
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1032
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Length L [mm]50
Width B [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]18
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 50 /7111.10050.92200505017711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 50 /711
Art. no.1.10050.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]200
Weight [kg]0.113
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]17
Height Hmin [mm] M1027
Height Hmin [mm] M1229.5
Length L [mm]50
Width B [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]18
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 75 /B11.10075.50250818123B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 75 /B1
Art. no.1.10075.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]250
Weight [kg]0.42
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]23
Height Hmin [mm] M1235.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1639
Length L [mm]81
Width B [mm]81
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]50
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 75 /7161.10075.56800818125716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 75 /716
Art. no.1.10075.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.42
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]25
Height Hmin [mm] M1237.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1641
Length L [mm]81
Width B [mm]81
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]50
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 75 /9151.10075.65800818125915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 75 /915
Art. no.1.10075.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.42
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]25
Height Hmin [mm] M1237.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1641
Length L [mm]81
Width B [mm]81
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]50
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 75 /7111.10075.92800818120711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 75 /711
Art. no.1.10075.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.4
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]20
Height Hmin [mm] M1232.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1636
Length L [mm]81
Width B [mm]81
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]50
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 100 /B11.10100.5050010810825B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 100 /B1
Art. no.1.10100.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]500
Weight [kg]0.75
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]25
Height Hmin [mm] M1237.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1641
Height Hmin [mm] M2044
Length L [mm]108
Width B [mm]108
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]96
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 100 /7161.10100.56150010810827716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 100 /716
Art. no.1.10100.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1500
Weight [kg]0.813
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Length L [mm]108
Width B [mm]108
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]96
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 100 /9151.10100.65150010810827915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 100 /915
Art. no.1.10100.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1500
Weight [kg]0.822
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Length L [mm]108
Width B [mm]108
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]96
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 100 /7111.10100.92150010810822711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 100 /711
Art. no.1.10100.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1500
Weight [kg]0.748
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1638
Height Hmin [mm] M2041
Length L [mm]108
Width B [mm]108
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]96
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLV 110 /B11.10110.5060012512525B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 110 /B1
Art. no.1.10110.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]600
Weight [kg]1.132
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]25
Height Hmin [mm] M1237.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1641
Height Hmin [mm] M2044
Length L [mm]125
Width B [mm]125
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]123
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLV 110 /7161.10110.56175012512527716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 110 /716
Art. no.1.10110.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]1.22
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Length L [mm]125
Width B [mm]125
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]123
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLV 110 /9151.10110.65175012512527915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 110 /915
Art. no.1.10110.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]1.217
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Length L [mm]125
Width B [mm]125
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]123
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLV 110 /7111.10110.92175012512522711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 110 /711
Art. no.1.10110.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]1.109
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1638
Height Hmin [mm] M2041
Length L [mm]125
Width B [mm]125
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]123
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 115 /B11.10115.505001489127B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 115 /B1
Art. no.1.10115.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]500
Weight [kg]1.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Height Hmin [mm] M2450
Length L [mm]148
Width B [mm]91
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]107
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 115 /7161.10115.5620001489129716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 115 /716
Art. no.1.10115.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2000
Weight [kg]1.1
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]29
Height Hmin [mm] M1645
Height Hmin [mm] M2048
Height Hmin [mm] M2452
Length L [mm]148
Width B [mm]91
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]107
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 115 /9151.10115.6525001489129915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 115 /915
Art. no.1.10115.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2500
Weight [kg]1.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]29
Height Hmin [mm] M1645
Height Hmin [mm] M2048
Height Hmin [mm] M2452
Length L [mm]148
Width B [mm]91
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]107
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 115 /7111.10115.9220001489124711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 115 /711
Art. no.1.10115.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2000
Weight [kg]1.021
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]24
Height Hmin [mm] M1640
Height Hmin [mm] M2043
Height Hmin [mm] M2447
Length L [mm]148
Width B [mm]91
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]107
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 140 /B11.10140.5080013713729B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 140 /B1
Art. no.1.10140.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]29
Height Hmin [mm] M1241.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1645
Height Hmin [mm] M2048
Length L [mm]137
Width B [mm]137
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]156
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 140 /7161.10140.56300013713731716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 140 /716
Art. no.1.10140.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]3000
Weight [kg]1.53
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]31
Height Hmin [mm] M1243.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1647
Height Hmin [mm] M2050
Length L [mm]137
Width B [mm]137
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]156
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 140 /9151.10140.65350013713731915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 140 /915
Art. no.1.10140.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]3500
Weight [kg]1.536
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]31
Height Hmin [mm] M1243.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1647
Height Hmin [mm] M2050
Length L [mm]137
Width B [mm]137
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]156
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 140 /7111.10140.92300013713726711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 140 /711
Art. no.1.10140.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]3000
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]26
Height Hmin [mm] M1238.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1642
Height Hmin [mm] M2045
Length L [mm]137
Width B [mm]137
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]156
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 150 /B11.10150.50100014514527B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 150 /B1
Art. no.1.10150.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1000
Weight [kg]1.54
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Length L [mm]145
Width B [mm]145
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]180
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 150 /7161.10150.56275014514529716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 150 /716
Art. no.1.10150.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2750
Weight [kg]1.8
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]29
Height Hmin [mm] M1241.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1645
Height Hmin [mm] M2048
Length L [mm]145
Width B [mm]145
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]180
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 150 /9151.10150.65275014514529915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 150 /915
Art. no.1.10150.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2750
Weight [kg]1.7
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]29
Height Hmin [mm] M1241.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1645
Height Hmin [mm] M2048
Length L [mm]145
Width B [mm]145
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]180
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 150 /7111.10150.92275014514524711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 150 /711
Art. no.1.10150.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]2750
Weight [kg]1.7
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]24
Height Hmin [mm] M1236.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1640
Height Hmin [mm] M2043
Length L [mm]145
Width B [mm]145
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]180
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 165 /B11.10165.50100019912330B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 165 /B1
Art. no.1.10165.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1000
Weight [kg]2.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]30
Height Hmin [mm] M1646
Height Hmin [mm] M2049
Height Hmin [mm] M2453
Length L [mm]199
Width B [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]209
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 165 /7161.10165.56400019912332716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 165 /716
Art. no.1.10165.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4000
Weight [kg]2.1
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]32
Height Hmin [mm] M1648
Height Hmin [mm] M2051
Height Hmin [mm] M2455
Length L [mm]199
Width B [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]209
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 165 /9151.10165.65400019912332915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 165 /915
Art. no.1.10165.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4000
Weight [kg]2.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]32
Height Hmin [mm] M1648
Height Hmin [mm] M2051
Height Hmin [mm] M2455
Length L [mm]199
Width B [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]209
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 165 /7111.10165.92400019912327711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 165 /711
Art. no.1.10165.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4000
Weight [kg]2.1
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Height Hmin [mm] M2450
Length L [mm]199
Width B [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]209
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM16, M20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 175 /B11.10175.50175024316331B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLV 175 /B1
Art. no.1.10175.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]4.4
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]31
Height Hmin [mm] M2050
Height Hmin [mm] M2454
Length L [mm]243
Width B [mm]163
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]334
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 175 /7161.10175.56450024316333716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLV 175 /716
Art. no.1.10175.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4500
Weight [kg]4.4
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]33
Height Hmin [mm] M2052
Height Hmin [mm] M2456
Length L [mm]243
Width B [mm]163
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]334
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 175 /9151.10175.65450024316333915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLV 175 /915
Art. no.1.10175.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4500
Weight [kg]4.4
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]33
Height Hmin [mm] M2052
Height Hmin [mm] M2456
Length L [mm]243
Width B [mm]163
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]334
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLV 175 /7111.10175.92450024316328711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLV 175 /711
Art. no.1.10175.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]4500
Weight [kg]4.4
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]28
Height Hmin [mm] M2047
Height Hmin [mm] M2451
Length L [mm]243
Width B [mm]163
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]334
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM20, M24more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 50 /B11.11050.50705020B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLR 50 /B1
Art. no.1.11050.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]70
Weight [kg]0.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]20
Height Hmin [mm] M1030
Height Hmin [mm] M1232.5
Diameter D [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]14
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 50 /7161.11050.561755022716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLR 50 /716
Art. no.1.11050.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]175
Weight [kg]0.103
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1032
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Diameter D [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]14
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 50 /9151.11050.651755022915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLR 50 /915
Art. no.1.11050.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]175
Weight [kg]0.1
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1032
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Diameter D [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]14
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 50 /7111.11050.921755017711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLR 50 /711
Art. no.1.11050.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]175
Weight [kg]0.1
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]17
Height Hmin [mm] M1027
Height Hmin [mm] M1229.5
Diameter D [mm]50
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]14
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM10, M12more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 75 /B11.11075.502258422B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLR 75 /B1
Art. no.1.11075.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]225
Weight [kg]0.32
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1638
Height Hmin [mm] M2041
Diameter D [mm]84
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]44
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 75 /7161.11075.568008424716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLR 75 /716
Art. no.1.11075.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.32
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]24
Height Hmin [mm] M1236.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1640
Height Hmin [mm] M2043
Diameter D [mm]84
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]44
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 75 /9151.11075.658008424915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLR 75 /915
Art. no.1.11075.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.32
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]24
Height Hmin [mm] M1236.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1640
Height Hmin [mm] M2043
Diameter D [mm]84
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]44
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Type illustrationGLR 75 /7111.11075.928008419711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLR 75 /711
Art. no.1.11075.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]800
Weight [kg]0.32
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]19
Height Hmin [mm] M1231.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1635
Height Hmin [mm] M2038
Diameter D [mm]84
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]44
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Type illustration

Type illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLR 110 /B11.11110.5045012325B1
Article information
For laboratory instruments, passive placement of sensitive devices and machine placement in tiers. Best vibration isolation despite low installation height.
TypeGLR 110 /B1
Art. no.1.11110.50
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]450
Weight [kg]0.9
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]25
Height Hmin [mm] M1237.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1641
Height Hmin [mm] M2044
Diameter D [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad typeB1
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]13
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.9
Hardness [° Shore A]40 - 45
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]95
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLR 110 /7161.11110.56175012327716
Article information
For tool, plastic and textile machines, graphic and general production machines. Superior isolation and damping properties. Excellent non-skid properties.
TypeGLR 110 /716
Art. no.1.11110.56
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]0.9
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Diameter D [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type716
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]95
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLR 110 /9151.11110.65175012327915
Article information
For machines with high static load. Excellent leveling stability and high overall stability even with great disturbance forces.
TypeGLR 110 /915
Art. no.1.11110.65
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]0.9
Temperature range from [°C]-20
Temperature range to [°C]80
Height H [mm]27
Height Hmin [mm] M1239.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1643
Height Hmin [mm] M2046
Diameter D [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type915
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]15
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.8
Hardness [° Shore A]90 - 95
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]95
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch
Article illustrationGLR 110 /7111.11110.92175012322711
Article information
For transport lines and special machines. Excellent constant leveling stability and overall stability. Very low installation height.
TypeGLR 110 /711
Art. no.1.11110.92
ColorRAL 7001 silver grey
Other colors upon request.
Surface treatmentpainted
Technical Data
Max. load [daN]1750
Weight [kg]0.804
Temperature range from [°C]-15
Temperature range to [°C]100
Height H [mm]22
Height Hmin [mm] M1234.5
Height Hmin [mm] M1638
Height Hmin [mm] M2041
Diameter D [mm]123
Pad equipment
Bottom pad type711
Pad thickness unloaded [mm]10
Coefficient of friction on concrete with fine mortar0.85
Hardness [° Shore A]70 - 75
Bottom pad area A1 [cm2]95
Suitable studs, special studs, leveling screws, leveling sockets
Studs SStuds SM12, M16, M20more
Remark extent of supply
Studs need to be ordered separately.

Article illustration

Article illustration

Dimensioned sketch

Dimensioned sketch
Dimensioned sketch top view

Mounting sketch

Mounting sketch

Our application engineers will be glad to recommend you the optimum solution. Please contact us!

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Industriestrasse 2, CH-8618 Oetwil am See
Technical changes without prior notice
Print date: 19.02.2025